Today, much brain energy went into deciding between these two pairs of vintage-style heels from Urban Outfitters. I ended up with the black, but, really, how could I go wrong?
Sometimes, when I'm feeling azul, I'll "decorate" my future apartment -- at least in my mind. And it lifts my spirits.
This Flowers in May "Baking" print (found via Moa Maria) isn't exactly vintage, but it's cheery all the same. It's currently adorning one wall in my future kitchen -- even though the kitchen (and the future) is not yet within my grasp.
I went vintage shopping with my mom about a month ago, and she bought me this lovely pink glass dish. It's held many precious items since then, including dark chocolate pretzel bark I made for a dinner party this weekend.
Dark Chocolate Pretzel Bark
+3 bars dark chocolate (the best you can afford) +1.5 cups pretzels, broken in pieces
Melt chocolate over a double broiler. Stir in half of the pretzels. Spread melted chocolate-pretzel mixture on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. Sprinkle remaining pretzel pieces on top. Refrigerate for 1 hour, or until chocolate has hardened. Break chocolate into pieces and--this is the most important part--display in darling vintage pink candy dish.